Offshore Consultants
CHM Global LLC offshore department is specialized in Marine assurance including activities such as vessel suitability surveys, condition surveys, and pre-purchase inspections, which assess the fitness and condition of vessels before deployment or acquisition. In addition, Marine Warranty Surveys (MWS) of jack-up rigs and self-propelled barges are undertaken with reliability. Master Mariners oversee towing and anchor handling inspections in compliance with industry guidelines.
With years of experience, we handle DP Assurance, DP Gap Analysis, Dynamic Positioning (DP) annual surveys, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and FMEA proving trials to evaluate DP system functionality and reliability. Our team can commission and execute OVID and Cargo bulk system condition surveys of offshore units. We ensure that risks are adequately managed, regulatory requirements are met, and best practices are followed. Our work contributes to the safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability of offshore operations, supporting navigation, construction, resource exploration, and environmental protection.